The Corporation. A film on corporate crime

I only just now found out about this film, but apparently it pontificates on the end I've been met with over my course of short political involvement; that politics isn't so much the left and the right anymore. It's the individual vs. the incorporate. 

I think it's canadian made, and it touches on a lot of serious issues that have only in the past decade, with the rise of social media, become apparent to the masses. Problems such as environmental destruction, resource depletion, overall biosphere risk; the increasing denial, retraction and apathy of rights and the health of workers, foreign citizens and animals, and how everyone is paying for it in more ways than they think; through their health, through their families, through their money, and even through their lives.

Its a free movie. I saw it on netflix but I'm fairly positive you can also watch it on google.

Here's a preview but if you have the time, I highly suggest this documentary film above ALL others that I've seen. All of them. And I have seen -a lot-. ANd this includes films about art, which is now a #2 value/concern/interest of mine, followed by this film.

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